Weeknote CW10

Big week? Huge week.

Something different. Using Mathias Jakobsen’s Question Cards rather than a play-by-play. Constraining these answers to work-related topics.


What do I wish would be different?

It’s gone from boy it’s quiet” to gosh it’s busy” in the space of a week. So while busy is always better than quiet in consulting, it all feels a bit frantic.


What am I happy about?

Well, the new busyness is good. And the busyness comes with associated interesting projects which is also good.


Which beliefs are holding me back?

It’s really apparent this year that my role is very much not on project delivery. It’s a bit less clear what my role actually is, other than leadership” which I’ve never been comfortable with. However, a colleague said to me recently that they thought I could start a cult if I wanted, which I choose to take as an acknowledgement of leader-y-ness.

So it might be time to lean into that discomfort with leadership.


When is my deadline?

My reaction to deadlines is always the Douglas Adams quote but in this case I honestly don’t know what the deadline is.

The point isn’t to win or end. The point is to keep playing.


March 12, 2023

I'm @bjkraal@aus.social on Mastodon